The Power of Community In Small Business
The Power of Community in Small Business, and why working for yourself doesn’t have to mean doing it all alone!

How movement can set your mind free
Ever wondered why some of your most inspirational ideas come to you when you’re away from your desk doing something totally unrelated to work? The amazing power of movement brings creativity and problem solving.

Why you need an email list
Why do you need an email list? And more importantly, why should you be writing to it regularly?

Tapping into your Tone of Voice
Get your tone of voice right and make a lasting connection with your audience.

The Consultancy Coach A Case Study
Lucy helps strong-minded women pivot their offering and become expert consultants in their field . . .

My Year in Books 2023
I love reading, I may have mentioned this once or twice! So, here is a review of my favourite books in 2023.

What are Case Studies and Why should you feature them on your website?
Not sure exactly what a case study is or why you should certainly be featuring them on your website? Read on to discover why these invaluable tools will help your business grow.

Things you may not know about ChatGPT
ChatGPT is an amazing tool but do we know all we can about it before we consider using it for all our copy?

Get your website copy right
Why you should and how you can get your website copy on point!

My Manifesto
My Manifesto
This is my promise to you, so you know just where you stand and what you’ll get when you work with me

Why Your Website Needs Great copy
Why you website needs great copy!
Your website is your shopfront, and your chance to prove to potential customers that you are the right choice for them. So what you say, and how you say it matters!

Take time for yourself
Learning to listen to your brain when it’s telling you to slow down.

Free Download Your ideal client
I bang on and on about being clear on your ideal customer, so you know how important I think it is. And how I honestly believe it should lie at the heart of all of your marketing, digital and paper alike!

Let me tell you about Louie
Read how my Creative Copywriting expertise brought confidence and time to the TH&TH team