Take time for yourself
From time to time, I have a dream that just won’t leave me alone.
I need to get somewhere, like immediately!
I‘m trying to run to get there, but I’ve forgotten how.
I can’t find the rhythm, the spring in my step to move forward. I keep tripping over my own feet and I swear I’m moving slower than walking, rather than getting where I need to be faster.
I keep stopping and starting, trying over and over to move forward faster, in the direction I want to go but nothing helps.
I have the strong belief that if I just keep trying, somehow I can make my legs do what I want them to and then I’ll be happy.
I’ll feel free, I’ll fly even, I just need to keep trying.
Invariably, the dream never seems to end with me actually managing to run, or indeed ever reaching the destination so firmly in my mind.
I wake up frustrated, anxious even. Why can’t I get my body to do what I tell it? What if I never make that destination?
Learning to Listen
I’m a firm believer in listening to my body and my mind when it’s trying to tell me something. This dream is a way of my mind trying to tell me to slow down. To make time for myself .
More often than not, the times I experience this dream, are the times when I’m feeling most overwhelmed in my day to day life.
Maybe I’ve taken too much on, or I’m learning something new, and my brain is feeling so full of information, decisions and possible outcomes that I end up make no progress at all in what I am trying to achieve.
I’ve learned to take notice of the dream when it comes, it’s a signal that I need to pause for a moment. Re-evaluate what my priorities are, and to move forward with purpose but also with kindness towards myself.
This is your time
There are a few things I’ve learned along the way that help me when I am feeling like all around me is chaos, a few little tips that help restore the calm.
First things first - Breathe
Take a deep breath. Focus on making your exhale longer than your inhale. Just for a couple of minutes. Feel your shoulders, your neck and your jaw all relax.
These few moments of focused relaxation will help to clear your mind, allowing you to move through that feeling of overwhelm.
Write it down
Write yourself a task list, or as I like to refer to it a ‘wish list’! Because we put too much emphasis on doing it ALL these days, rather than just doing what we can! If you like, you can prioritise your tasks, but often just having them written down as a visual reminder is really useful for keeping your mind focused.
Shift your focus
Instead of working towards an outcome, shift your focus to the process. Set yourself action goals rather than achievement goals. This gives you the chance to start enjoying the journey rather than wishing for it all to be over.
Weekly review
At the same point each week, the beginning or the end, that’s up to you. Take a look at where you are with your tasks, see what you completed and what needs moving into the next week. Most importantly of all celebrate your wins. No matter how small!
This doesn’t have to be you hitting your £50k target for the month! This can be that you sent out a newsletter to your email list. Whatever you achieve, remember to congratulate yourself for it!
Be kind to yourself
Throughout everything be kind to yourself, show yourself the same understanding and care you would your best friend. When it comes to your own deadlines, whilst encouraging yourself to reach them, remain flexible with them, because we all know that life sometimes gets in the way.
Be understanding, don’t beat yourself up for those things that slipped down your ‘wish list’. You can always try again next week!
I really hope this helps you feel calm when overwhelm comes calling. Running your own business is hard my lovely, so just remember you aren’t alone. Drop me a line and let me know what you’re up to?
Take care,